M-ASA owns and operates the Mid Atlantic Soaring Center (W73) airport at 154 Pecher Road, Fairfield, PA. The 120-acre facility is nestled within the rolling countryside just south of historic Gettysburg. Adjacent to the airport is the Liberty Mountain Resort & Conference Center which includes the Carroll Valley Golf Course and Ski Liberty.
The location provides excellent spring, summer and fall thermal soaring, as well as excellent mountain wave conditions. Some of the best ridges in the east coast are accessible from the Mid Atlantic Soaring Center. Multiple 1000 Km flights have been made from this site.
Our club activities at Mid Atlantic Soaring Center include extensive flight training, cross country soaring which includes a friendly club “task” competition, and hosting the SSA sanctioned Region 4 North Sailplane Racing Contest.

When you look at the physical attributes of the Mid Atlantic Soaring Center, you will clearly see the paved runway. In reality, thanks to the ample grass areas adjacent on either side of the runway we operate using three surfaces.
All departures from W73 are made to the south-east using Runway 15. Similarly, all landings are made to the northwest using runway 33. This is due to the slope of the runway surface as well as the high terrain to the west north west of the airport.
Airport operations are conducted on 123.300 MHz.
Runway 15/33C is the paved runway. It is 2700’ x 50’ and comprised of asphalt. It is primarily used during glider operations for launches. Runway 33L is the primary glider landing area. It provides 1800’ x 250’ of turf. Left traffic is used when landing on this surface. Runway 33R is on the other side of the pavement. It serves as the primary tow plane landing area although often gliders will also use it during glider operations. It consists of 2000’ x 160’ of turf. Right traffic is generally flown to the surface.
M-ASA owns five hangars on the airport property:
The main hangar is an 80’ x 80’ open bay hangar used for the storage of assembled gliders. All the club’s gliders reside here as well as a few privately owned ships.
Along the parallel taxiway are three trailer hangars providing storage for 50 sailplane trailers. The southeastern hangar also incorporates a 480 sq ft. climate controlled work shop.
Continuing southeast on the taxiway you’ll find the fifth M-ASA hangar. This 2,250 sq ft. building provides secure storage for M-ASA’s three tow planes.
The M-ASA clubroom / training room is attached to the main hangar. It offers a heated and air conditioned bathrooms, showers, a kitchen, and a meeting room.
Outside the side door of the club house is a 1,500 sq ft. pavilion where cookouts and other social events are held.
Rounding out the facility, a small number of camp sites are available for members. Most of these have electrical power available although there are no water hookups or sewer connections.