MASA operates one of the nicest fleets of gliders and tow planes in the United States. Flight training is done using three two seat gliders, while the club also owns two single seat gliders for the further training of post solo students and the enjoyment of the general membership.
Having an outstanding stable of gliders is only part of M-ASA’s success. You need to have a means to launch the gliders. M-ASA does this using three tow planes. Two Piper PA-25 Pawnees do the majority of the glider launches. A Piper PA-18 rounds out the towing fleet by providing the ability to train tow pilots and maintain proficiency.
Schleicher ASK 21

M-ASA operates two ASK 21s, N899MA (M1) and N899SA (M2) manufactured by Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co in Germany. These gliders were purchased new from the factory in 2017. M-ASA took delivery over Thanksgiving 2017 and promptly put them into operation that weekend. Their docile handling has made these a favorite of our students and instructors. In addition to regular flight instruction, both gliders have been used to provide cross country training, ridge and wave training to our students. Thanks to these 2 near-identical gliders M-ASA's volume of training flights has significantly increased . N899SA is equipped with hand operated rudder controls, which make it suitable for training individuals with limited use of their legs.
Schweizer SGS 2-33A

The SGS 2-33 has been a very popular primary trainer in the US since its introduction in 1967. Schweizer produced 579 2-33s at their Elmira NY factory between 1967 and 1981. 2-33s can be found at almost every US soaring site. There are currently over 250 2-33s registered in the US. M-ASA’s 2-33 is the 152nd built and was purchased new from the factory in 1969. It was completely refurbished in 2009 and is one of the nicest looking and flying 2-33s we know of. It economically provides a rugged, easy to fly trainer for those electing to fly it.
Grob 102 Club Astir IIIB
Rolladen-Schneider LS-4

According to Glider Review: The LS4 may be the best all-around composite glider ever built. Combining docile handling, excellent climbing, and decent performance on the run, it is still widely sought after by clubs and first-time buyers. In addition to badge and record flying, it is a viable contender in Club Class competitions. Very gentle flight characteristics, especially takeoff/tow and landings. Very large and effective airbrakes combined with a relatively low stall speed make it almost as good as a flapped ship for getting into short fields. On course, the LS4 allows pilots to work even broken thermals and tolerates some inattention to airspeed without completely killing the climb. One can even haul back on the stick to core particularly tight or rough thermals. While it quickly falls away at very high speeds compared to the next generation (Discus/ASW-24 and later), it is hard to beat on weak days where working every scrap of lift is needed. The cockpit is relatively generous, able to handle all but the very tallest/largest pilots.
Tow Planes

Piper PA-25

The PA-25 Pawnee was originally designed as an agricultural aircraft produced by Piper Aircraft between 1959 and 1981. It remains a widely used aircraft in agricultural spraying and is also used as a tow plane for launching gliders. M-ASA owns two of these work horses. N7799Z was built in 1966 and N8658L left the factory in1969. Over the course of its ownership of these two aircraft, M-ASA has done extensive work on these tow planes to ensure that they are in top working condition. The exterior for 58L was re-covered and repainted in 2014-2015 and in 2019 it was outfitted with ADS-B Out. The engine for 99Z was overhauled in 2018 and it's wing was re-covered in 2019. It will be outfitted with ADS-B Out in 2019-2020.
Piper PA-18
The Piper PA-18 Super Cub is the classic two-seat, single-engine airplane of yesteryear. Piper introduced the Super Cub in 1949. The PA-18 traces its lineage back through the J-3 Cub to the Taylor E-2 Cub of the 1930s. In close to 40 years of production, over 9,000 were built before production ended in 1981. M-ASA’s Super Cub was built in Lock Haven Pennsylvania in 1979, and was purchased by the club in 1981. Super Cubs are commonly found bush flying, and towing gliders. The Super Cub underwent major upgrade and refurbishment in 2014-2015. In addition to its use for towing, the Super Cub is used to train tow pilots and conducting pilot proficiency checkouts. It will be outfitted with ADS-B Out in 2019-2020.