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HomeArticle: Competing in Gliders

Competing in Gliders – A Synopsis by Chris O’Callaghan (OC)

In 2007 Chris O’Callaghan (OC), a long-time M-ASA member and competition pilot, wrote an 8-part series in the Convector summarizing a soaring book that had instantly become extremely popular in the international soaring community.  Italians Leo and Ricky Brigliadori wrote the first edition of Competing in Gliders in 2004.  Chris had a natural inclination to share his extensive competition experience with fellow M-ASA cross-country pilots.  Distilling this book into short digestible bites was one of Chris’ ways of sharing his passion for the sport.  The second edition of Competing in Gliders was released in 2009.  Chris’ articles are provided below:





5- -The-Capacity-to-Resist-Fatigue

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