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W73 Fairfield, Pennyslvania
a 501 (c)(3) organization
HomeXC Learning Rules


pdated  1/2/2017)

Version 3  (Recent changes/clarifications in red)

Learning Class flights may be conducted during any M-ASA scheduled day of operations.  There is no minimum number of pilots to fly a task; for example, a single pilot may fly a task.  All tasks must be written on the OD’s flight operations board so that all pilots may fly the same task on a single day.  A pilot may fly tasks in different gliders on different days but will be scored as a pilot-glider combination using the appropriate handicap for that glider.

Participation:  Any member can compete.  Ideally, a pilot will fly in either the Task Day or the Learning Class tasks.  However a pilot may fly in both classes during the year if he/she flies a lower performance glider in the Learning Class.

Distance/Speed:  All distances are in statute miles (SM).  Speed is in miles per hour (mph).

Altitude:  All altitudes are expressed in mean sea level (MSL).

Start:  2-mile radius start cylinder.  Start any time, any altitude.  Restarts are permitted.

Turnpoints:  Close-in turnpoints within 10 SM of W73; 1-mile radius cylinders; good visual landmarks.

Minimum Time:  30 minutes

Minimum Distance:  None

Gliders:  1- or 2-place club or private ships.

Mentoring:  Instructors or experienced pilots may mentor, either in the back seat of a 2-place ship or in another glider.

Finish:  1-mile radius finish cylinder.  Goal:  finish at 1300’ MSL or above.

Tasks:  MAT or TAT tasks.  A number of canned tasks will be developed.

Modified Assigned Task (MAT) – Fly mandatory turnpoints then fly any additional turnpoints desired.  The pilot may “bail out” after any turnpoint (mandatory or additional), return to the finish point and be awarded speed points.

Turn Area Task (TAT) – Fly only mandatory turnpoint areas.  The pilot must achieve all turnpoint areas and return to the finish point in order to be awarded speed points.  TAT turnpoint areas may not overlap.

Scoring:  Speed and distance count toward a pilot’s score.  A weighted average will be calculated; 60% speed, 40% distance.  The maximum score is 1000 points.  Competitors speed and distance will be compared to BestDistance and BestSpeed for the day.  The day will not be “devalued”. The winner of the day will receive 1000 points.  Other scores will be prorated.

Glide Range:  It is strongly recommended that pilots stay within glide range of known good airports.

Left Turns in Start Circle:  Whenever practicable, pilots should make left turns within the start circle.

Penalties:   Airspace violations will result in zero points for the task.

Turnpoint Achievement:  At least one GPS fix must fall within the turnpoint cylinder to achieve a turnpoint.

Repeat Turnpoints:  Repeating a turnpoint without an intermediate turnpoint is permitted.

Turnpoint Misses:  No credit for missing a turnpoint.  This may result in a constructive landout, with distance points only, if the turnpoint is mandatory.

Landout:  Only distance points will be awarded.

Loggers:   Must use a GPS logger that produces a valid *.igc file.  Security of loggers will not be checked.  Dates expressed in the *.igc file must be correct in order to be scored.

IGC Log Files:  Must submit an *.igc file within 14 days to get a score.  Post to the OLC or email to Scorer with the turnpoints claimed and the type glider flown.

Rules/Results:  Will be posted here

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